But, for the rookies, sadly, the clicks that they suppose would convert dramatically to black and white, often end up as plain images, let alone creating some sort of expected drama. And, there are even others for whom superb clicks happen by a stroke of good luck, and no matter what they do, the charisma never seems to return.
A professional would tell you, that you need to have a black and white picture in your imagination first, and in your lenses later. The attempt should be deliberate, and not something that requires good fate. Of course, this would mean that a beginner should have a different approach of picking up subjects and clicking them. Here are a few tips to clicking black and white images for the newbies:
Choosing the subject:
There are many a subjects which refuse to comply with monochromes. For instance, if you are an aspiring location photographer, chances are that you have already tried your hands on clicking a sunrise or sunset view. Would it look good in black and white hues? No. Similarly, colorful subjects like birds, flowers, and scenic beauties, do not mark an impactful impression on the viewer when shot in monochromes. Colored pictures, for them, sounds and seems logical enough.
Imagine first, click later:
Before you get started with your lenses on a black and white picture, it is important to imagine your subject in the same tones. This is known as 'seeing your subject in black and white.' So, have the picture in your brain, rip off all colors and let the two chromes stay. Edit every aspect in mind – the lines, the shapes, the shadows and contrasts. It is only when you have it in your mind's eye can you have it in your camera eye.
Don't turn off the lights:
The black and white image you've clicked, will depend a lot on the amount of light exposure. A normal outdoor click results best when it is done early in the morning or in late afternoon, depending on the softness of sunlight. But, for monochromes, the best time is the middle of the day, when the sun is at its peak and shadows are sharp, heavy, defined and dark. Also, the perfect way to click a portrait, is by letting the subject front on to light in such an angle, which can produce sufficient amounts of shadow in the every detail of his face. Remember, it is all about chalk and charcoal chromes defining every detail of your subject. And, it is your approach and approach alone that can make or break your creation.
Black and white photography is a lot about creativity than camera settings. In fact, it is even simpler than most color approaches of snapping pictures. You just need to incorporate a bit of inventiveness, and you are already halfway into becoming a pro.
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